One ratio would compare a bank's assets to its stable sources of funding, such as deposits or longer-term unsecured debt. This would help regulators determine whether a bank is too dependent on short-term borrowings. 其中一项比率是比较银行资产与稳定资金来源(如存款或较长期无担保债务),这将有助于监管机构确定一家银行是否过度依赖短期借款。
Deutsche Bank boosted sentiment further after it became the first European bank to issue senior unsecured debt for nearly three months, indicating that stresses in funding markets may be easing. 德意志银行(deutschebank)成为近3个月以来首家发行优先无担保债券的欧洲银行,进一步提振了市场情绪,表明融资市场的压力可能正在减轻。
As for banks, governments 'determination that unsecured debt to senior bondholders should be honoured in full remains as strong as ever. 至于银行,各国政府对于清偿优先级债券持有人的无担保债务的决心仍然坚定。
Over the past 18 months, US banks and card issuers have been coping with the fallout of millions of overleveraged consumers defaulting on an increasing portion of their unsecured debt. 过去18个月来,美国数百万消费者入不敷出,非保障债务的拖欠比例也在日益上升,美国银行和发卡商一直在应付此事。
This means writing down shareholders and converting uninsured and unsecured debt into equity when banks cannot raise the capital they need. 也就是说,当银行无法募集到需要的资金时,需要对股东减记,将没有保险和无担保的债务转变为股票。
To prevent the collapse of one bank from destabilising the broader financial system, the IMF staff note argues that regulators may want to limit the amount of unsecured bank debt other financial institutions can hold. 该报告指出,为避免一家银行的倒闭破坏整个金融系统的稳定,监管者或许希望对其他金融机构持有一家银行的无担保债务的规模作出限制。
The final problem to bear in mind is that by consolidating you will probably be shifting unsecured debt into a secured loan using your home as collateral. 最后的问题是,记住你可能会转移到巩固成抵押债务用你的家作为抵押担保贷款。
The bonds remain a lifeline for banks in eurozone countries whose economic woes have made investors wary of unsecured debt. 一些欧元区国家的经济困境令投资者对于无担保债券保持警惕,对于这些国家的银行而言,这种债券仍是一条生命线。
The financial sector is too big throughout the overdeveloped world in part because much of it enjoys a free state guarantee against default on its unsecured debt. 过度发达的国家的金融部门普遍过于庞大,部分原因在于,金融业的无担保债务违约大多享受着免费的国家担保。
Industry executives in Europe are beginning to sound like their US counterparts in raising the alarm about spiralling losses on unsecured consumer debt as one of their biggest areas of concern. 欧洲的业内主管们开始效仿美国同行,他们对非保障消费贷款所带来的螺旋式损失发出了警报,并将其视为他们最应当担忧的领域之一。
The eurozone crisis and the prospect of new regulation have driven many banks away from issuing unsecured debt, which is not backed by specific pools of collateral. 欧元区危机和新监管措施出台的前景,已促使许多银行停止发行无担保债务。
Third, the banks could be required to issue, at least annually, unsecured long-term senior and subordinated debt. 再者,可以要求银行每年至少发放一次无抵押的长期优先债和次级债。
Step three would be big losses on unsecured consumer debt: credit cards, auto loans, student loans and so forth. 第三步是无担保消费贷款出现巨额亏损,其中包括信用卡、汽车贷款、学生贷款等等。
And the GM balance sheet would be downsized as over$ 40 billion in unsecured debt would be converted into equity. 随着超过400亿美元的无担保债券将转换为股票,通用汽车的资产还将缩水。
A portion of the surviving unsecured debt would be converted into equity, where needed, to provide capital to support the process. 必要时,部分尚存的无担保债券将被转换为股票,所得资金用于支持上述过程。
Interbank loans and unsecured term funding are seizing up in the euro area, with short-term ECB loans and secured debt taking its place. 银行间贷款和无担保融资在欧元区正渐渐失灵,被欧洲央行短期贷款和担保债券取代。
The amount of senior unsecured debt, a mainstay of bank funding, is at its lowest since 2003. 银行融资的主要来源高级无担保债券的发行规模为2003年以来最低。